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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Values and Vision

The 7 deadly sins of Gandhi:
 Wealth without work
 Knowledge without character
 Science without humanity
 Politics without principle
 Pleasure without conscience
 Business without morality
 Religion without sacrifice

What money won’t buy: the most precious things in life. People with character, integrity and right values are not for sale.
Money will buy:<


Where the vision is one year, cultivate flowers.
Where the vision is ten years, cultivate trees.
Where the vision is eternity, cultivate people.
Winnners don’t do different things
They do things differently.”
Winning is an event. Being a winner is a spirit.
Winners are gracious.
Winners leave a legacy.
In relationships: working on yourself works. Trying to change other people does not.
In fixing your life: working on yourself works. Trying to change the world does not.
We work on ourselves. We discover that there is such a thing as doing your best in the present and letting life unfold--- that often life will present us with greater rewards than we could ever have imagined. We discover that there is a balance to be achieved between hard work and good timing. We see that there are alternatives to desperation and frustration. As we achieve greater balance and peace of mind, our belief in struggle is replaced by a sense of challenge.
Meaning is the present. Being “ there” is no better than being “ here”. If you want to find meaning , you pay attention to the moment--- and it is in the moment you find the rewards.

1. We are here to learn lessons, and the world is our teacher.
2. The universe has no favorites.
3. Your life is a perfect reflection of your beliefs.
4. The moment you get too attached to things, people, money…. You screw it up.
5. What you focus in life expands.
6. Follow your heart!
7. God is never coming to say to you, “ Now you have permission to be successful”.
8. When you fight life, life always wins.
9. How do you love people? Just accept them.
10. Our mission in the world is not to change the world but to change ourselves.

 Growth is breaking new grounds
 The only way to beat fear is to face it
 Every person who walks into your life is a teacher
 Life is like a ladder. People handle their steps in different ways

(selected from ABAC Ethics Text Book)

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